Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why are we here?

I am sitting at my laptop and looking at the last eight years. I was single, travelling, working hard, paying off my house, investing in shares and property. All the usual things. Now I am married, unemployed, 2 kids, and in Turkey. My life is balanced and we are happy.
The answers start with a book I read in the 80's called 'The seven habbits of highly effective individuals'. A book which had a major impact on my life. I have had to buy several copies as each time I have given it away, or it has been borrowed, it hasn't always boomeranged. It is a powerfull book which has affected my life and several of my friends.
In essence it advises you to plan your life, be honest and ethical.
I met my wife in Melbourne in 2001. It was a shock to everyone including myself. My plans had to be rearranged!
My wife came from Turkey and a new culture opened up to me. In 2003 and 2005 we had 2 beautifull children together. To cut the story a bit short, we looked at our lives in Melbourne and the life offered in Turkey. In Melbourne we were both working and making lots of money. We were banking 50k a year. the problem was our kids were spending 12 hours a day, 5 days a week in a creche. The alternative was to go to Turkey and give up the life of middle class Australia for a chance to grow up with our kids. Obviously we chose Turkey.
I now have free time during the day as our kids attend preschool and intend to pass information to any followers who request it.

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